2nd International Conference on "Monitoring in geological disposal of radioactive waste"

Amberg Group as partner of EU project Modern2020 is pleasured to announce the final conference to be held in Paris next April 2019

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This Conference is a great opportunity to find out main results and achievements of the Modern2020 project and to invite experts - through a Call for Abstracts - to contribute to and participate in discussions on monitoring strategies, monitoring technologies, on how monitoring is used to support decision making during the operational phase of a disposal facility and on how monitoring can contribute to confidence building in relation to the geological disposal of radioactive waste.
Registration opens on 1 October 2018; Deadline for submitting abstract is on 31st October 2018.
See the first announcement attached and the Modern2020 website for further information.
You can have a look to Modern2020 flyer here
We look forward to seeing you in Paris in April 2019 !


News 2023

2nd International Conference on "Monitoring in geological disposal of radioactive waste"

Amberg Group as partner of EU project Modern2020 is pleasured to announce the final conference to be held in Paris next April 2019

[Translate to Deutsch:]

This Conference is a great opportunity to find out main results and achievements of the Modern2020 project and to invite experts - through a Call for Abstracts - to contribute to and participate in discussions on monitoring strategies, monitoring technologies, on how monitoring is used to support decision making during the operational phase of a disposal facility and on how monitoring can contribute to confidence building in relation to the geological disposal of radioactive waste.
Registration opens on 1 October 2018; Deadline for submitting abstract is on 31st October 2018.
See the first announcement attached and the Modern2020 website for further information.
You can have a look to Modern2020 flyer here
We look forward to seeing you in Paris in April 2019 !