Led by THE HUS.institute, the institute for imagination, The System Change Foundation bring big questions to the table in an environment which celebrates openness and integrity. Roundtable and collaboration formats led by leading Transformers and Program Partners.
The event will take place on the 12 January in Liechtenstein and on the 13 January in THE HUS.mountain which is located inside the Hagerbach Test Gallery in 8893 Flums Hochwies, Switzerland.
Led by THE HUS.institute, the institute for imagination, The System Change Foundation bring big questions to the table in an environment which celebrates openness and integrity. Roundtable and collaboration formats led by leading Transformers and Program Partners.
The event will take place on the 12 January in Liechtenstein and on the 13 January in THE HUS.mountain which is located inside the Hagerbach Test Gallery in 8893 Flums Hochwies, Switzerland.